StripHair Gentle Groomer

Article number: P-92919
Availability: In stock

Intended for daily grooming all year long. Made from a blend of natural rubber, orange oils and anti-microbial agents to ensure optimum performance, cleanliness and durability. Bristle, blade-free design ensures no risk of damage to the coat or skin. Therapeutic benefits include increased blood circulation, and muscle and tissue warming for improved health, mobility and body comfort. Small soft-cleaning diamonds help exfoliate the face and legs; large soft-cleaning diamonds help remove dried mud, loose hair, dander, dirt, sweat and stains. Gentle grooming edge (use at 45° angle) aids in shedding hair, cleaning skin, adding shine, distributing skin’s oils and scraping off water after shampooing. Contours comfortably everywhere on animal’s body. No place for hair and dirt to collect; will never grow or harbor bacteria or fungus.

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